Candied Chestnuts in Syrup
(Kestane Şekeri - Bursa)
500 g chestnuts
1 cup sugar
2 cups water
1 tsp vanilla extract
When buying chestnuts, choose the fat ones, as they will be more delicious. Soak the chestnuts in water for about 15-20 minutes to soften them. Using a small knife, cut the shells horizontally on the top (fat) side. Place the chestnuts in a medium size pot, cover them with the water. Boil them for about 5 minutes. Remove the shells and inner skins using a small knife.
Clean the same pot, add sugar, water and vanilla extract in it. Boil it for about 5 minutes. Add the chestnuts into the syrup. Cover and cook for about an hour over just under the medium heat.
Let the chestnuts cool down first in the pot. There should be a little bit syrup left. If the syrup is too much, cook a little bit longer without the lid.
Place them into the glass container with the syrup and keep it in the refrigerator. For servings, place them individually in the candy cups.
New Year Eve's Menu:
-Potato Soup, Chicken with Cherry Sauce and Appetizers.
Labels: Cakes and Cookies